
Marc Márquez acts as living mannequin

2 minutes

The Repsol Honda Team rider pretends to be part of an exhibition of historic leathers, before springing a surprise on passers-by.

Marc Márquez hace de maniquí viviente en Madrid
Marc Márquez acts as living mannequin

Marc Márquez is no stranger to surprising onlookers, as anyone who has seen some of his dramatic saves and passing moves will attest. This week he took strangers aback away from the circuit, from the window display of El Corte Inglés in Calle Preciados -one of the busiest streets in the centre of Madrid.

For Spain’s version of ‘April Fool’s Day’, on December 28th, Márquez blended into Repsol’s vintage leathers exhibition in the Spanish capital, which has been put on to celebrate the energy company’s 50th anniversary in motorsport.


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To start with, fans were caught out by the exceptionally lifelike figure that formed part of the exhibition. They would soon realise that it was the MotoGP World Champion himself, leading to a gathering of a large crowd in front of the window.

Fans took pictures with the mobile phones, as well as receiving greetings from the unexpected member of the exhibition.

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