
Marc and Álex Márquez make their own disinfectant gel

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The Repsol Honda Team riders star in a tutorial on how to produce hydroalcoholic gel -something much needed in homes at the moment- with the help of one of the experts from the Repsol Technology Lab research centre

Marc y Álex Márquez preparados para hacer su propio gel desinfectante
Marc and Álex Márquez make their own disinfectant gel

Repsol have adapted their facilities at the Tech Lab, where the fuel and lubricant for Marc and Álex Márquez’s MotoGP bikes are produced, and in four weeks have produced 30,000 litres of a disinfectant solution that have been donated to different public hospitals.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, it is very important to follow specific hygiene guidelines to stop infection. That is why both Marc and Álex Márquez wanted to learn how hydroalcoholic gel can be produced with products that we usually have at home.

In this video-tutorial, the pair closely follow the steps of scientist David Purificación Corral, mixing the elements safely and in the right measures to obtain the correct mix. This is a process that can be followed by anyone interested in making hydroalcoholic gel at home, using the necessary products purchasable in pharmacies and/or supermarkets and following the guidelines indicated for proper handling.

Carolina Ruiz del Repsol Technology Lab

Cultura Motera

Interview with Carolina Ruiz from the Repsol Technology Lab

3 days ago

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